Friday, August 24, 2018

The Grapes of WrathSummaryOverview60second Recap

Chances are, you're tuning in because you
want the quick scoop. What is The Grapes of Wrath about, anyway? Let me put it this way:
You can sum up this story with the lyrics from a song by ... Michael Jackson. There's no way we could get the rights to
the song, so I'll say the lyrics for you.

Here's a synopsis of The Grapes of Wrath,
according to Michael Jackson: Heal the world
Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race. OK, so Jackson wasn't technically singing
about The Grapes of Wrath, but he definitely captured the spirit of Steinbeck's story. The Grapes of Wrath traces the journey of
a family from Oklahomathe Joadswho lose their farm to the bank and set off to California
in search of a better future. They don't find it.

In fact, what they find is more misery
in the form of low wages, awful prejudice, terrible bosses, and terrifying police. As
migrant workers, they're not really welcome in California, and it's all they can do to
maintain their dignitynot to mention stay aliveamidst some mind-bendingly horrible
conditions. But maintain their dignity they do, mostly
because of their strong sense of family. And in the end, it's the Joads' desire to see
things made better not just for their own family, but for the whole migrant family,
that makes them heroesand their story a faint promise of a more hopeful future..

The Grapes of WrathSummaryOverview60second Recap

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