Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to Cleanse Your Lungs - How to Detox Smoker Lungs In Three Days

How To Detox Smoker Lungs
Protecting your lungs is a vital step in maintaining their long-term health. Over time, toxins
from fungi and bacteria can destroy the health of your lungs and even lead to deadly diseases
such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) diseases. Fortunately, there are many
natural steps you can take to help keep your lungs healthy so you can breathe easily. Discard dairy
Two days before the detoxification process, it is necessary to remove all dairy products

The body needs to get rid of toxins in milk products before purification of the lungs. Bring on the green tea!
Before the first day of the regime, drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed. It
will be released toxins from the intestines. The lungs should not be overloaded with the
difficult task of any other part of the body during purification.

Lemon Juice
In a glass of warm water, add a quarter cup of lemon juice and drink before breakfast.
You can also opt for a glass of pineapple juice or cranberry juice instead of lemon. Drink carrot juice
Drink 300 ml of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice helps to
alkalize the blood during the three days of purification. Drink grapefruit juice
Drink 300ml of grapefruit juice.

If you do not like the taste, you can replace it with
pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that improve the breathing system. Get your potassium kick
You have to drink 400 ml of juice rich in potassium during lunch. Potassium acts as
a tonic for cleaning.

Before going to bed make 400 ml of cranberry juice. It will help
in the fight against bacteria in the lungs that can cause infections. Exercise
Take care of your body and do exercises regularly. Take a hot shower
A hot bath 20 minutes a day will help to eliminate toxins.

You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus
oil to hot water and inhale the steam to purify the lungs naturally. The compound found in
eucalyptus expectorant help throat problems, sinus congestion and pain relievers. Choose the yoga way!
Practice deep breathing for half an hour every day. This will help in flushing impurities
from the lungs..

How to Cleanse Your Lungs - How to Detox Smoker Lungs In Three Days

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