Heart salutations are one of my favorite warmups.
It is a wonderful way to open up the heart and to bring in joy, love, compassion as we
are stretching and opening the heart. So we begin by noticing our feet. Our feet are aligned
right underneath the hips. We tuck in the belly, lift the rib cage, draw the shoulders
up, back and relax them down.
Chin is parallel to the Earth and then imagine that string
pulling up the crown of the head. Draw the hands together at the heart. Breath in, draw
them up to the sky. Exhale, draw the arms down.
Inhale, interlace the ten fingers behind
your back, you'll see them when I come down, exhale, draw the torso down. Bend the knees
as much as you need to to protect the back and allow the shoulders and the hips to open.
Inhale arms up to the sky, exhale and draw the arms down..
Best Home Remedies For Angina Pain
1. Drink onion juice
One tablespoon of onion juice in the morning on an empty stomach proves to be very effective
in relieving angina. 2. Eat Grapes
Grapes provide strength to his heart.
Grape juice reduces the risk of having a heart
attack, angina pain and increased respiration. 3. Indian Gooseberry Indian gooseberry is a natural source of vitamin
B. It can be taken either in juice or powder.
It is very useful in preventing heart disease. 4. Using Garlic
Take 2 to 3 cloves raw garlic in the morning which goes a long way toward natural healing
chest for a prolonged period of time. Like the use of lemon, garlic has to find
a place in your daily diet chart to be more effective.
5. Using basil leaves for angina pain relief
During chest pain, chew 8 to 10 fresh basil leaves or drink a cup of basil tea to get
relief. To prevent chest pain and improve the condition
of your heart, take 1 teaspoon fresh basil juice along with 1 teaspoon of honey a day
on an empty stomach. 6.
Eat more vegetables
Avoid lamb, as it is very rich in cholesterol. Similarly, consumption of dairy products should
be reduced. If you adopt a diet with less fat and less
cholesterol foods, you can reduce many of the minor symptoms of chest pain. Also, eat more vegetables! Green vegetables not only control angina but
also help maintain overall health.
7. Use lemon
Try to include a lemon in your food every day. You can squeeze over salads or have it as
fresh lemon water. Lemon helps prevent cholesterol buildup, thus
avoiding any kind of blockage in the blood vessels.
8. Using Honey
Squeezed lemon in hot water with a tablespoon of honey and taken on an empty stomach, it
helps clean the blood vessels and reduces the accumulation of cholesterol. 9. Drink Alfalfa Tea
Drink hot alfalfa tea when you have chest pain.
To make the tea, add 1 teaspoon of dried alfalfa
leaves to a cup of hot water. Let stand for 5 minutes, then strain. You can also take supplements of alfalfa a
day to reduce the onset of chest pain. 10.
Ginger tea for angina pain relief
When suffering from chest pain, drink a cup of ginger tea. To make the tea, add 1 tablespoon grated ginger
to a cup of hot water. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes, then strain..
We all have that friend who is obsessed with
wine the one who can actually taste notes of blackberry and oak while we're proud of
ourselves for recognizing that it's a cabernet. Well, it turns out your wine snob friend may
be onto something. Wine has long been thought to be beneficial
for our health, so long as it's consumed in moderation. Usually red wine gets all the attention, but
studies have also shown that white wine may have the same health benefits.
Of course, it's not all sunshine and grapes. If you usually enjoy a glass of wine after
winding down from a long day, here's what you need to know about how that daily glass
of vino is impacting your body. Lifespan boost Enjoying a nightly glass of wine may lead
to a longer life. Research shows that regular wine drinkers
have a 34 percent lower rate of mortality than their beer or liquor-drinking buds.
And if you're living longer, you may as well
look younger while you're at it, right? You can thank the researchers at Harvard Medical
School for this one. The compound resveratrol, which is found in
red wine, has been linked to having anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. If you're not a wine drinker, you can still
reap the benefits. In addition to finding this compound in red
wine, you can also get it from eating grapes, blueberries, cranberries, and nuts.
Resveratrol activates an anti-aging pathway
in the body that leads to a longer lifespan, so drink up! However, this link is only found in moderate
drinkers, so regularly drinking an entire bottle by yourself might be more fun, but
less beneficial. "Doctors say a glass of wine a day can extend
your life. Cheers." Sunburn stopper Another way your glass of wine can make you
look younger is that it protects your skin from the sun. A Spanish study in The Journal of Agricultural
Food and Chemistry found that the antioxidants in wine can help prevent the chemical reaction
UV ray exposure causes to the human body.
Flavonoids, the antioxidants found in grapes,
can stop the chemical process that kills skin cells and leads to sunburn. So the next time you and your friends are
enjoying margaritas on the beach, reach for a nice red wine instead. Heart healthy Red wine has long been thought to protect
our hearts because it contains tannins, which have procyanidins that protect against heart
disease. Tannins are the compounds in wine that are
responsible for that dry taste.
To get the most procyanidin bang for your
buck, stick with wines from southwest France. These antioxidants in wine have been proven
to raise our HDL cholesterol. This is the good cholesterol, so we want that
number to be high. If you have high blood pressure, a nightly
glass of wine may be just what the doctor ordered.
Of those dealing with high blood pressure,
it's the moderate drinkers who are 30 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack than
those who don't drink at all. Sugar solution If you've been having trouble managing your
diabetes, relaxing with a glass of wine could actually help. In fact, a nightly glass of wine could even
prevent the condition. Studies show that moderate drinkers have a
30 percent lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes and that having a nightly glass
of red wine is also safe for most diabetics.
Just make sure not to exceed that limit. "And look what I brought! Juice Boxes!" Our fictional BFFs Karen Walker and Olivia
Pope might say otherwise, but less is more when it comes to wine as medicine. Happy times We all tend to feel a little more relaxed
after a glass of wine. The stresses of the day melt away as we sit
at dinner with our friends and family, enjoying good conversation and great wine.
It turns out those good feelings last way
beyond dinner. According to a study in BMC Medicine, moderate
wine drinkers may be protective against depression. Drinking two to seven glasses of wine per
week is associated with lower rates of depression. However, once your drinking goes from moderate
to too much, the chances of feeling depressed actually go up, because heavy drinking is
associated with high rates of depression.
So, keep the good vibes flowing with a few
glasses of wine per week. Cancer prevention We've all heard the research about red wine
and heart disease prevention, but the cancer news is pretty exciting, too. Regular drinking usually puts people at a
higher risk for cancer, but there's one exception to that rule: red wine. Moderate red wine drinking has been linked
to lower rates of breast cancer.
The chemicals found in the skins of red grapes
have been found to reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone levels in premenopausal
women. It's this shift in hormones that can lower
the risk for breast cancer. These magic little red wine chemicals are
much higher in red grapes than in green. So if you like to enjoy a cocktail with dinner,
grab a bottle of pinot noir instead.
Brain games Too many glasses of wine can leave your brain
feeling a little fuzzy, but one with dinner is just right. Having that nightly wine may even protect
your brain from a blood clot or bleed. People who drink one or two drinks per night
have an eight percent lower risk of having a stroke. However, don't go crazy.
Heavy drinkers, having at least four drinks
per night, have a 14 percent increased risk of stroke than those who don't drink or only
drink occasionally. A glass of red wine with dinner may also put
you at lower risk for dementia. Moderate red wine drinkers have a 23 percent
lower risk of developing dementia than those who don't drink. Aging out the benefits Unfortunately, in addition to wrinkles and
reading glasses, older adults have another bummer to consider.
All of those benefits from red wine don't
help the elderly. In fact, even just one glass per day can be
damaging. Research has found that elderly women, averaging
age 76, who have one glass of wine per day show small reductions in heart function. This is due to the increased size of the wall
of one of the heart chambers.
So, enjoy it while you're young, kids! Bottom line on bottoms up While a nightly glass of red wine certainly
seems like it could be part of a healthy lifestyle, don't feel like you have to drink everyday. Both the American Heart Association and the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute do not recommend drinking solely for heart
health. Plus alcohol can be addictive, and drinking
too much leads to major health problems. But if you can imbibe safely, it looks like
there at least some benefits beyond the buzz so cheers to that! Thanks for watching! Click The List icon to subscribe to our YouTube
Plus check out all this cool stuff we know
you'll love, too!.
What Are Grapes?
Grapes come in different colors and forms. There are red, green, and purple grapes, seedless grapes, grape jelly, grape jam and grape juice, raisins, currents, and sultanas, not to mention wine.Grapes are one of the most popular fruits in the world because of their taste, texture, flavor, variety, and ease of portability. This popular and delicious fruit is also packed with a lot of important nutrients. Apart from the fruit of the grape plant, The nutrients in grapes offer a number of possible health benefits.
They have been associated with prevention of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, constipation, and prevent eye diseases . Eye health
Grapes contain the antioxidants . Lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help maintain eye health.That our eyes are the mirror of our soul. So, we should take extra care of it, and Start consuming grapes to protect this important sensory organ.
Blood pressure
Increasing potassium intake may help reduce the negative effects of too much sodium in the diet.Grapes have a high potassium content. This suggests they can help reduce the effects of sodium in people with high blood pressure.Fiber is important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, including heart health and blood pressure. Grapes are a good source of fiber. Cancer
Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols.
These are thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.That resveratrol may be able to slow or prevent the growth of tumors in lymph, liver, stomach, breast, colon, skin cancer, and leukemia.That purple colored concord grape juice helps in preventing breast cancer. So, if you want to protect yourself from this deadly disease, make sure that you have a glass of this delicious juice every day. Treats Diabetes
Do you love sugar but are scared of the danger (read diabetes) associated with it? Grapes can be an excellent option. They are sweet and extremely helpful in preventing diabetes.Pterostilbene is a compound present in grapes that helps to lower the sugar levels in the blood, hence preventing diabetes.
Boost Immunity
Red grapes are not only packed with flavonoids and minerals but vitamins as well! The high levels of vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A in grapes give a healthy boost to many of your organ systems, particularly your immune system. This means less chance of coming down with common colds, as well as more serious health issues. Prevent Heart Diseases
Grapes increase the nitric oxide levels in the blood, which prevents blood clots. Therefore, grapes are an effective way to reduce the chances of heart attacks.Grapes contain fiber and potassium, both of which support heart health.A high potassium intake has been associated with a reduced risk of stroke, improve blood pressure and cardiovascular health.
Relieves Constipation
Grapes contain water and fiber. These can help people stay hydrated, keep bowel movements regular, and reduce the risk of constipation.Have a fruit salad and include grapes for instant recovery. Grapes are very effective in curing constipation. Helps Fight Polio And Herpes
Grapes are also known to improve the chances of a speedy recovery from viral infections like polio and herpes.
Children who consume grapes regularly have lesser chances of being inflicted by polio..
Research continues on the vast health benefits of resveratrol, found in purple or red grapes. Here are some of the amazing healing benefits of resveratrol: 1 Power Up Your Weight Loss Exciting research led by MaryAnne DellaFera, PhD at the University of Georgia found that resveratrol works on the body in two ways to significantly assist with weight loss efforts: ) it dramatically reduces cells ability to store fat by about 130 percent; and 2) causes fat cells to disintegrate at a rate 246 percent higher than normal. 2 Protect Your Heart In research, resveratrol demonstrated the ability to improve the dilation of blood vessels, which may allow blood to flow more easily through blood vessels. It has also been shown to relax the walls of the blood vessels, making their diameter larger, thereby lowering blood pressure, and allowing a higher volume of blood to flow through all areas of the body, delivering increased oxygen and nutrients to the bodys cells.
Another study found that just 10 mg of supplementary resveratrol resulted in a dramatic reduction in heart-attack risk factors. 3 Mop Up Brain Damaging Plaques Studies at the University of Switzerland proved resveratrols brain-protecting ability. They found that resveratrol mopped up brain-damaging plaques and free radicals, which have been linked to Alzheimers disease. So powerful is this important nutrient that it has even been referred to as Reverse-it-all by many health practitioners.
4 Improve Brain Power In a British study, students given resveratrol increased blood flow to their brains by 200 percent. Scientists believe resveratrol can help speed our mental responses. Protect Your Skin from Cancer In numerous studies, resveratrol has had a positive effect on cancer. Research also shows that resveratrol protects the skin from damaging UVB rays of the sun, thereby protecting it against skin cancer.
5 Protect Your Body from Radiation Whats more, this potent nutrient has even been shown to protect the body against radiation therapy when used as an adjunct to radiation treatment of cancer. Discover how resveratrol may help you to live longer 6 Turn On Your Longevity Gene In one study, scientists identified resveratrol as a nutrient that activated the human gene for survival and longevity. 7 Fight Diabetes Prediabetics given resveratrol had a 10 percent drop in blood sugar levels, according to research by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 8 Turn Down Inflammation Resveratrol works as an anti-inflammatory, which may be one of the reasons it may be effective for heart disease.
9 Supports Muscle Recovery As a potent antioxidant, it supports the cells and organs in eliminating uric acid and other toxins from the body, supporting muscle recovery for athletes. Thank For Whatching ! Subscribe me for more Video !.
Vlog N Buzz Presents Top 10 Most Healthiest Fruits Before Starting with the countdown we will
say that all the fruits are healthy when consumed according to the season. Kiwis are small fruits that pack a lot of
flavor and plenty of health benefits. Their green flesh is sweet and tangy. Its also full of nutrients like vitamin
C, vitamin K, vitamin E and potassium.
They also have a lot of antioxidants and are
a good source of fiber. Their small black seeds are edible as is the
fuzzy brown peel though many prefer to peel the kiwi before eating it. They are prescribed by the doctors to eat
if a person is suffering from malaria. Pomegranate have extremely powerful antioxidants
found in the juice.
They are so powerful that pomegranate juice
has been found to be three times more powerful than red wine and green tea. It can reduce inflammatory
activity in the digestive tract as well as in breast cancer and helps in balancing the
blood pressure. Strawberry,Cranberries , Blackberries and
Raspberries are the most popular summer treats of all time. They are sweet, succulent, full of nutrients,
and can be eaten freshly picked as well as incorporated into a variety of recipes.
The fiber in berries helps lower the total
amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease. They are full of antioxidants and have many
other nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall health. Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious. They contain several essential nutrients,
and have benefits for digestion, healthy heart and weight loss.
Bananas are often referred to as the perfect
food for athletes largely due to their mineral content and easily digested carbs. Because of its unique flavour and fragrance
guava has been hailed as one of the super fruits due to the numerous health benefits
it offers. It indeed is a powerhouse of nutrients. This humble fruit is extraordinarily rich
in vitamin C and antioxidants that are beneficial for skin.
The health benefits of guava includes the
treatment of cough, cold, skin care, high blood pressure and weight loss. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known
as polyphenols, which may slow or prevent many types of cancer. The antioxidantsl found in red wine famous
for heart health is found in the skins of red grapes. It has been found that consumption of red
grapes will decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality.
Teenagers love this fruit , as this also helps
fighting acne , which is very common in teenagers and they hate it , as acne spoils their facial look. Who doesnt love a juicy and delicious orange
as a snack? I enjoy eating one or two oranges a day most
of the year, since theyre easy to eat and provide quick energy. Oranges are rich in citrus limonoids , proven
to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin , lung, breast,
stomach and colon. Since theyre full of soluble fiber, oranges
are helpful in lowering cholesterol.
As they have fibres it will also help in your
digestion process. The health benefits of papaya include better
digestion, relief from toothache, improvement in the immune system and the promotion of
better heart health. Papaya is also known as Carica Papaya, is
commercially famous for its high nutritive values. Papaya has been famous for hundreds of years
and it was once called the fruit of the angels by Christopher Columbus.
It has so many benefits that , one video is
not enough to discus its benefits. These fruits contain a lot of water and gives
complete nutrients and water needed to your body. As we all know that water is the very basic
and essential part of any life. It maintains body temperature , helps in digestion
and lot more.
Watermelons are the perfect example of a food
that can help you stay hydrated and also provides refreshing energy. No wonder , apple is onn the top of the list. Everyone loves apple and they all love to
share it. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is
an old Welsh proverb that most of us are familiar with, and here are the reason behind it.
The nutrients and antioxidants in apples helps
reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Dont forget to smash that like button , and
subscribe for more informative videos..
Welcome to Health Wisdom YouTube Channel,
in this video, you will learn about the Top 10 Health Benefits of Grapes. Keep watching. Grapes is a delicious fruit which is rich
in vitamin A, vitamin C, and essential minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus,
magnesium and selenium. Grapes helps in the treatment of indigestion,
kidney disorders, fatigue and macular degeneration.
The top 10 health benefits of Grapes are:
1. Improves Bone Health
Grapes contain copper, iron, and manganese which are important in the formation and strength
of the bones. 2. Prevents Constipation
Grapes helps in the prevention of constipation.
Grapes contain natural sugar, organic acid
and cellulose. Grapes are rich in insoluble fibre and thereby
helps in constipation. 3. Good for oral health
Grapes helps in the oral health by preventing development of cavities.
4. Good for Digestion
Grapes helps in curing indigestion and irritation in the stomach. 5. Kidney disorders
Grapes reduce the acidity of uric acid and thereby helps in proper elimination of toxins
from the kidneys.
Grapes have high water content. 6. Boost Immune System
Grapes helps in strengthening of the immune system due to the presence of flavonoids and
minerals and vitamins. 7.
Prevent Eye Disorders
Grapes helps in the prevention of age-related loss of vision and macular degeneration as
it contains powerful antioxidants. 8. Prevents Cancer
Grapes have anti-cancer properties due to the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol. Grapes helps in the prevention of breast cancer
and colorectal cancer.
9. Good for Heart
Grapes contain antioxidants which prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and therefore
are good for the heart. 10. Prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Grapes helps in brain health and delay the onset of degenerative neural diseases and
thereby helps in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
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