Monday, August 13, 2018

Eat These Foods to Protect You Form Heart Attack - Heart Attack Prevention

Eat These Foods to Protect You Form Heart
Attack Coronary artery disease is a very common condition,
especially with those who eat a standard American diet full of hydrogenated oils and sugar. Roughly 1,000,000 people will have a heart
attack this year. Of those, roughly 500,000 will die. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of both
men and women in many countries, including America.

What is Coronary Artery Disease?. Coronary artery disease is a condition caused
by blockage or narrowing of the arteries that feed your circulatory system. This occurs when cholesterol adheres to the
damaged parts of your blood vessels. This damage is caused by daily fluctuations
in blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, and stress.

Over time, these deposits can become hard
and turn into dangerous plaque that narrows the passages of your arteries. Adding these ten foods to your diet can provide
support to your circulatory system and boost your overall health: Tumeric. Tumeric is becoming all the rage for health-conscious
foodies. Its active component, curcumin, helps to
reduce tissue inflammation, reduce fat storage and even fight cancer.

Best, it helps to keep platelets from clumping
together to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. A common way to consume it is to juice fresh
roots with carrots and leafy green vegetables. Juicing is the best way to absorb turmeric
in its purest form. But if you dont have a juicer available,
you can also add powdered turmeric to your diet.

Watermelon. Watermelon contains arginine. Arginine produces the nitric oxide that your
body needs to maintain a healthy blood pressure and keep your circulatory system supple and
flexible. Watermelon also reduces blood pressure because
it contains more citrulline than any other food.

Citrulline lowers blood pressure by helping
the body to eliminate waste. Avocados. Avocados are very high in the good kind of
fats that you need to eat every day. The monounsaturated fat in avocados can reduce
LDL cholesterol while increasing your HDL.

Cholesterol levels. Sardines. Fish that are high in omega-3s and vitamin
D can help to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels. They are also an excellent source of vitamin
B12, which protects heart health by reducing homocysteine levels.

Berries. Berries are a nutritional powerhouse. They pack an enormous amount of nutrition
into a tasty, low-calorie package. The anthocyanins and flavonoids in berries
help to decrease blood pressure and dilate blood vessels.

In fact, one study showed that women who ate
more than three servings of berries a week reduced their risk of heart attack by 32%. Now thats a tasty way to stay heart-healthy. Citrus Fruits. People often recommend drinking orange juice
for potassium and vitamin C, but many juices contain added sugar.

They can also raise blood sugar too high because
they lack fiber. Instead, its better to eat fresh citrus
fruits. Just one lemon contains half your daily need
for vitamin C and oranges are loaded with potassium. Beware grapefruit if you are on cholesterol-lowering
statins because they can interfere with the effectiveness of the drug.

Unsalted Nuts. Nuts are a super yummy snack packed with fiber
and vitamin E. Studies have shown that people who eat nuts have a healthier weight than
those that dont, which reduces the strain on your circulatory system. Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Theres a reason that the Mediterranean
diet is known to be so healthy. Four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
a day can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 30%. The monounsaturated fats in olive oil reduce
both cholesterol and blood sugar. Grapes.

Grapes, especially black seeded grapes, are
very high in resveratrol which acts like antioxidants to protect your body from the damage that
can cause a higher risk for cancer and heart disease. Green Tea. Green tea contains catechins, which have a
very healthy anti-oxidant effect. A 2006 study published in the JAMA Network
showed that those who drank four or more cups of green tea a day reduced their risk of cardiovascular
disease by 20%.

You can also reduce your risk for coronary
artery disease by exercising more, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, reducing
your intake of sugar and hydrogenated oils and reducing your stress level to prevent
dangerous fluctuations in your blood pressure. And dont forget to laugh every chance you
get. A happy body is a healthy body. If You Like this Video Please Appreciate Us
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Eat These Foods to Protect You Form Heart Attack - Heart Attack Prevention

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